Following ordination and a curacy in Liverpool, Sam joined SSF at Hilfield Friary in 1974 and, although he has lived at a number of SSF houses – Glasshampton, Manchester, the Solomon Islands, Liverpool, Zimbabwe and Cambridge – many of the past forty-five years have been spent at Hilfield Friary in rural West Dorset. He has served as Novice Guardian, Guardian and latterly as Minister Provincial, during which time the focus at Hilfield has been on seeking to put into practice an ‘integral ecology’ (cf Pope Francis’ – ‘Laudato si’), one that is environmental, social and spiritual In 2017 he moved to the urban situation of the SSF house in Plaistow, East London, where hospitality is offered to those who at present have no security of residence in the UK. This is a very multi-cultural area of a multi-cultural city with huge challenges of homelessness, isolation and integration, and where, as much as in Dorset and elsewhere around the world, questions around our relationship with the environment, with peoples of different faiths, and with the meaning and purpose of being human are becoming increasingly urgent. He believes that the Way of Francis and Clare offers a radical re-orientation of relationship for us and for the world.