Tag Archives: Charles Ringma

A new engaging book on the teachings of Christian faith

Charles Ringma tssf has published ‘A Pocket Christian Catechism: Keeping the faith in the challenges of the 21st Century.’ It is available from Amazon for $20 + postage.
The Foreword describes what the reader can expect in Charles’ new book.

Many pastors, scholars, and pundits have opined the gradual— and sometimes not so gradual—decline of biblical literacy over the past several decades. Much handwringing ensues, but little in the way of practical suggestions. Rather than lamenting this murky state of affairs, Charles Ringma has given us this pocket catechism as a small beacon of light to help us find our way out of the fog. It’s a deceptively brilliant work of theological instruction, one that teaches more by showing than telling, by allowing us to “make these words our own.”

Ringma styles this book within the time-tested genre of catechism, though with several distinctive twists. For one, it’s not written in the question-and-answer format but rather provides a thoughtfully curated selection of passages from Scripture and the Christian tradition that can be easily committed to memory. This is especially needed for those of us who live in a culture that thinks of memory as something that can be downloaded or uploaded, but rarely ever “in-loaded” in the heart. This is a necessary and welcome addition.

For another, this pocket catechism contains not only the important standards of the classic catechisms—the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer—but also a host of texts from Scripture, hymnody, liturgy, Christian history, and contemporary theology. It is, in short, a carefully selected treasure trove from the entirety of the Christian tradition— past and present, East and West.

Finally, interwoven between these treasures for the memory are Ringma’s own words of theological wisdom, distilled through many years of teaching and pastoral experience in the church and the mission field. Ringma’s guidance here is subtle but profound, and these words will offer Christian disciples new and old much- needed light for the journey towards Christian faithfulness.

Alex Fogleman, Assistant Research Professor of Theology at Baylor University, USA, and Director of the Catechesis Institute

Published, 2024 by Resource Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers